
We Survived!

The Dreaded Weekday Halloween!

By Tatum Fairley November 1, 2019

We did it! We all survived the dreaded weekday Halloween!  We survived the rush from work, getting the kids fed dinner, dressed into their costumes <you possibly in yours>, getting your candy set up <if you hand it out>, and finally out the door for the fun to begin.  We walked possibly miles while controlling the over excited little witches and goblins that our children have transformed into.  We managed to let them feel the joy of Halloween and taste the sweetness of the candy while still maintaining the responsibilities of being a parent and getting them home safe, bathed, and in bed <hopefully at a somewhat reasonable hour>.  We then took care of ourselves and did all the normal tedious daily chores that cannot be ignored.  

Trick or Treating is always something I will love doing; it’s a combination of some of my favorite things: family, fun, walking, being outside, and CANDY!  I’m not going to lie I have a major sweet tooth and look forward to the candy that comes with Halloween as much as my kids do <if not more>.  Rain or shine I love it, but it’s something I never remember loving so much until I’m actively doing it.  Actually, the morning/afternoon of Halloween I usually begin to question if I really want to go or if I want to just send my husband out with the kids while I hang out at the house alone.  <hopefully I’m not the only person that has those crazy thoughts> Once I actually take the plunge and start our adventure around town I suddenly remember the love of trick or treating I have and wonder how I could have ever even questioned whether or not I wanted to go.

This year’s Halloween was a little extra crazy for us and I think everyone in our area.  The drama of will trick or treating be delayed in our town or not was a major hot topic to hit social media over the past week.  Despite all the will it/won’t it happen drama, my Halloween turned out better than I could have imagined.  Although I had to quickly run home to change out of my extremely hot, fluffy costume before I passed out from the heat; my entire family had a great time.  All the kids maintained a great mood and luckily there was not even one meltdown from any of them <even though I think my sloth makeup creeped out my niece>!  

Now that Halloween has come and gone; we now must deal with the task of getting up our little ghouls and back to the normal life of school, work, and everything in between.  No matter what day Halloween falls on the morning after is always a rough one; but when Halloween falls on a weekday the next day’s beginning is always a little horrendous <at least they are in my house>.  I know the next day I myself am tired, overwhelmed, and coming down off a serious sugar high.  My head is pounding and there’s never enough coffee to make things feel “real”.  I walk around the morning in a blur just running in autopilot doing all the things that have to be done.  Then the real fun begins, it’s time to get the kid(s) up and ready for the day.  I don’t know about all of you, but I am not a morning person; I’ve tried to become one <even have listened to some self-help audibles on the subject> and I can now wake up “early” but I’m still not happy about it.  Sadly, I believe I may have passed that trait onto my children.  They may wake up early, even sometimes on their own, but they never seem very happy to be awake in the morning.  The day after Halloween is always the worst for this.  The ghouls and goblins they may have dressed like the night before have somehow taken a very real-life hold onto my normally sweet, perfect, angelic children!

Now that Halloween is over my mind is already starting to think of what next year’s Halloween will have in store for my family, but it’s time to give ourselves all a pat on the back for kicking Halloween’s butt.  We did it, so take a deep breath and enjoy the very short break we have before the reality of Thanksgiving and the Holiday season sinks in.

Until next week!
