
Macaroni Kid Gloucester NJ is looking for a new Publisher!

By Tatum Fairley, Publisher and Editor of Macaroni Kid Gloucester NJ August 12, 2020

I’ve been publishing now since October 2019; working with Macaroni Kid has been a wonderful experience for me and my family.  Leaving Macaroni Kid is not something that I can say I’m happy about but at this point in time it’s what’s best for my family and what’s best for you, the subscribers.  

With the crazy school year coming up I need to be able to provide my children with the support and attention they deserve to not only succeed but to excel in their academic life.  At the end of the last school year I felt as though I was drowning.  It was impossible to balance the demands of Macaroni Kid on top of my son’s school needs with my husband’s crazy work schedule plus taking care of my younger two.  By June I knew that’s all I could take.  My kids felt my stress and that’s something that I never wanted them to feel.  They are my everything and although some may say, “You need more than just your kids” I must respond with “They are only little for so long”.  At this point of their life I am their everything and I want to be available to provide that for them.  I am blessed to be able to do so at this point in our lives so that exactly what I’m going to do.

By June I not only felt like I was failing my children, but I felt as though I was failing you, my subscribers and followers.  I took over this site because I wanted something for myself and I wanted to help my community.  I felt like I was honestly doing a pretty kick a$$ job at doing just that up until this Pandemic hit.  Once things started shutting down, I slowly started to fall behind on everything.  I wasn’t (am not) providing the material and events that I feel this community wants and deserves.  I don’t like to fail at anything, but I know my limits and I have hit them.

So it you have any questions about Macaroni Kid or believe you have what it takes to take over the site please reach out to me at  I will happily fill you in on any details you’d like!

Finally, if this spot is not filled by the time this pandemic is over you better believe I’ll be picking it back up! Macaroni Kid is a community that I’m heartbroken to part ways with but hope to join again in the future!